New Collection Seen as Boost for Archdiocese for the Military Services
by Catholic News Service
An ancient form of prayer being used by many today is called “Lexio Divina,” which means “Divine Reading.” This method of prayer is meant for those wishing to spend time with a brief passage from the bible. It is described as having several steps. I find this chart (choose SLOW DOWNLOAD) to be quite helpful in understanding the structure of Lexio Divina.
Choose a quiet place where you will not be distracted.
Turn off your cell phone.
Light a candle, if you wish.
Choose a passage from the bible.
READ the passage over and over again. Memorize it. Keep on reciting it.
MEDITATE on the passage, allowing your mind to go where it will. Don't worry about being distracted.
PRAY to the Lord about the bible passage or whatever came to mind during the meditation.
CONTEMPLATE by being quite and listening to the Lord during this period of silence.
The amount of time you spend on each of the four sections is dependent upon you. You may want to stay a few more minutes on each section than you initially consider doing. You can spend 5 minutes on the entire prayer exercise or 30 minutes or more. Let the Lord guide you.
A graph showing the steps to Lexio Divina might be helpful.