Just a quick recap regarding the Defund Planned Parenthood Rally that was held on Tuesday. The rally took place just outside the Planned Parenthood building at the Gulf Frwy location. First of all, let me just tell you that it was hot. And I mean hot! Unfortunately I forgot to bring my chiller fan, so instead had to settle for my umbrella which luckily provided some extra shade for an elderly gentleman and nice lady that were standing right beside me. But despite the brutal heat it was a rather large turn-out. The street where the rally was held was lined with protesters standing shoulder to shoulder. There we so many folks that it was hard to find a place to park along the narrow streets around there. I would “guestimate” the crowd to be around 500 to 1,000 people?
There were numerous pro-life organizations in attendance. I noticed several different Knights of Columbus councils. There was a central stage area with a covered tent that provided a platform for about a half dozen speakers who provided some very moving testimonies. WPGK Ray Sylvester and WB Tom Schroeter were strategically positioned directly behind the stage with our KofC defend life signs lifted high. Thank you WB Ray and WB Tom. By the way, WB Tom has volunteered to be our Culture of Life Chairman this fraternal year. Special thanks WB Tom. I saw some local TV crews covering the event. Not sure if it made the news or not. The event lasted around one hour and the timing was perfect. I was getting a little concerned about some of our brethren standing in the sweltering sun. I think we all had a little sweat going the time it was over. Attached please find a few pictures of the rally.
This rally was one of sixty four similar rallies that were conducted simultaneously around the nation. Hopefully the message was heard by our elected officials. The horrible atrocities committed daily at Planned Parenthood needs to stop. I urge you all to please go the council website homepage and send a message to Senators Cruz and Cornyn to defund Planned Parenthood now.
A city on a hill cannot be hid. Thank you and God bless. WGK – Don Huml