Astros Game at Minute Maid Park, on Tuesday September 10. This event is organized by our Community Director, WB/PGK, John Sicola and by our Family Director, WB Jordan Blanchard. The game will be at 7:10 p.m. against the Oakland Athletics, and we will have tickets seated together on the second level, Mezzanine section. We invite all brother Knights, spouses, significant others, family and friends to join us.
Tickets are $38 per ticket and includes a $10 food voucher for use that night. Tuesday is also a $1 dog night, so this is really a great deal!
For those who have signed up, John Sicola will be sending you your tickets electronically as the Astros say they no longer issue paper tickets. You will need to download the MLB app on your phone to access your tickets once sent. Go to the App Store if an Iphone, or Google Play if an Android, and download the MLB Ballpark App. Once downloaded, your tickets will be there. If you have any questions, contact John S.
The tickets are $38 each. You can pay using Venmo or Zelle, using John Sicola's cell or email address. You can also pay with cash/check at the game, or you can mail check to: John Sicola, 8207 Hillcroft Ave., Houston, Texas 77081.