Meeting location & time: 2nd floor before 10:00 a.m.
1) Wear your KC’s shirts - to identify the hospital who we represent.
2) Bring your families and Catholic Daughters. Children under 15 will remain behind on the lobby floor with Guardian.
3) V.A. hospital cafeteria opens on Sundays at 8:00 a.m. If you desire to have a little breakfast, coffee, etc.
4) Arrive early, Catholic veterans names will be handed to KC’s at 10:00 a.m. After protocol instructions.
Protocol Instructions
1) When introducing yourself to the hospitalized veteran, please do not ask them “How are you doing?” remember, as far as we know they might be on their death bed.
2) Introduce yourself as “Good morning, My name is ____ I am from the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal order. And I am here to say a prayer for you.” Insure that you introduce your fellow Knights and ladies that are with you.
3) If there happens to be a Protestant veteran in the same room and they request a prayer, please do not deny them, for we are Catholic and deny no one.
4) Due to the number of patients that is on your list, try not to spend not more then five minutes per patient. If you get done with your list and there is still time allowed before mass starts go get another list for visitation.
5) Be back to the lobby at 10:45 a.m. for mass attendance.