Charity has been at the heart of the Knights’ mission since its founding in 1882. Whether with funds or service, and whether quietly helping someone overcome a personal tragedy or assisting in the aftermath of a widely known humanitarian disaster, the outpouring of charity by our members produces meaningful results, especially by helping to bring peace of mind to those who find themselves in incredibly difficult situations.
Our Council raises funds through several activities throughout the year. Designated net income from these projects is then directed to various organizations. 58% of our total income 2009-2023 was directed to charity. The remaining 42% are costs to operate the Council and its programs, as well as charitable contributions to Knights of Columbus Supreme.
The work of our men is voluntary and they receive no worldly compensation.
Texas Knights' Charities
Emergency Funds for the Priests
Infirm Priests Fund
The ARK Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth
Persons with Disabilities and Deaf Ministries
Seminarian Support
Archdiocesan Catholic Schools
Outreach Charity
Pro-Life, Seminarian Education & Training
Continuing Education for Priests
Cardinal Medeiros Fund
Disaster Relief Fund
Frontline Faith Project
Note: Mandated K. of C. State Charities
Council 14700 Knights' Charities
Archdiocese of the Military Services
Archdiocese Galveston-Houston Clergy Appreciation Night
Archdiocese Galveston-Houston Inner City Schools
Archdiocese Galveston-Houston Shepherd's Cup
Archdiocese Seminarian Support
Bryan, TX Firefighter Families
Care Net Pregnancy Center Ultasound Machine
Catholic Daughters of America
Catholic Radio for Houston: Guadalupe Radio Network
Catholic High School Scholarships
Council Chaplain / Priests
Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans)
Culture of Life Knights of Columbus Supreme
Dan's House of Hope
Dominican Sisters of Houston
Fr. Michael Grey, C.S.Sp. (Former Chaplain)
Fr. Wayne Wilkerson (Pastor / Chaplain)
Fr. Jack Whitley Assembly 3429 Priest Scholarships
Fr. Jack Whitley Assembly 3429 Social Activities
Gabriel Project: Pro-Life
Guadalupe Radio Network
Habitat-for-Humanity: Pope John Paul II House
Haiti Earthquake Disaster Relief
Houston Coalition for Life
Indonesia Tsunami Disaster Relief
Japan Tsunami Disaster Relief
Joseph A. Fiorenza Priest Retirement Residence
Middle East Christian Relief Fund
Pray 4 Holy Spirit (Life billboard)
Pastor / Priests
Shoes for Homeless Men & Women of Houston
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
St. John Paul II Foundation
St. Mary’s Seminary Physical Plant Improvements
St. Mary's Seminary Seminarians Dinner
St. Michael Catholic Church Physical Plant Improvements
St. Michael Catholic School Capital Campaign
St. Michael Catholic School Scholarship Fund
St. Michael Catholic School Scholarships to Catholic High Schools
St. Michael Catholic School Educator Fund
St. Michael Golf Classic
St. Mike's Movie Night
St. Michael New Parishioners
St. Michael Parish Seminarians
St. Michael RCIA Candidates Luncheon
St. Michael: Prayer Materials for Church Welcome Center
St. Michael School Athletic Track
St. Michael Youth Free Throw Competition
St. Michael Youth Soccer Competition
St. Michael Church
St. Raphael Parish
St. Rafael Knights of Columbus Council
St. Theresa of the Child of Jesus Parish, Benin
Texas Rally for Life
Texas Special Olympics
The Brookwood Community
U.S. Armed Forces in Afghanistan
U. S. Military Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day Flags
U. S. Military Veterans Wheelchair Program
V.A. Hospital Visitations
Vietnamese Dominican Sisters
Wheelchair Mission
Note: Council descretionary charitable contributions
Charitable Contributions Exceed $150,000
Note: Other Catholic Works includes the K of C Supreme mandated annual per member charitable contribution
Contributions to St. Michael Catholic Church & School
Financial Contributions to Church, School and Physical Plant
2 Parish Habitat-for-Humanity
10 Student Scholarship Fund
4 School Educator Fund
School Capital Campaign
Golf Classic
5 Pastor / Priests
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
80 Lenten Fish Fries Serving +12,500 Parishioners
15 Spaghetti Dinners Serving +1,800 Parishioners
5 Youth Free Throw Competitions
2 Youth Soccer Competitions
5 Movie Nights
2 School Sports Banquet
4 RCIA Meals
1 Boy Scout Banquet
3 Archangel Festivals
1 Year of Priests Parish Reception
8 New Parishioner Meals
Weekly Mass Ushers / Greeters
COVID 19- Pandemic
Note: this does not include the thousands of hours Council members have provided to support each of the events / projects