The Council initiated lenten Fish Fries in 2010, and in the ensuing five years we have served over 9,000 members of the St. Michael family and the community at large. These six dinners are the largest fundraising activities for our year, allowing us to generate significant monies for Knights' charities.
They also require the most labor, from set-up to food preparation to food service, clean-up and teardown requires 30+ men. Please be among them.
2015 Dinner Underwriters
Glazier Foods
Garafalo Roofing
LAM Parking
Wealth Development Strategies
Uptown Car Spa
Independent Bank
Louis A. Ditta, Attorney
Fountainview Fish Market
Allegiance Bank
Please patronize and / thank our underwritiers for their generous support
2015 Schedule
February 20: 330
February 27: 356
March 6: 378
March 13: 340
March 20: 350
March 27: