The Worthy Brothers of Knights of Columbus Council #14700 literally "went out into the world" in accordance with Pope Francis' exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium. In December 2013 it voted to assist Fr. Innocent Baba Agaboami CSSp as he started, from the ground up, his new parish, St. Theresa of the Child of God. The specific project was to fund his need for vestments and vessels with which to conduct his ministry. The gifts were made in the name of the Council's Chaplain, Fr. Michael Grey, CSSp.
What follows is Fr. Innocent's report on the use of the funds provided him.
On behalf of the Spiritan Family in Benin, I thank the donors of the above project through Ray Sylvester and Fr. Michael. In the beginning we had difficulties getting the money through to our account in Paris but at the end it worked out. Thanks to Ray who never ceased to encourage me to wait. We got an amount of $4,215 equivalent to 1,686,000 CFA from Houston Foundation for the purchase of vestments for our new parish created only five months ago. This amount was transferred into our account on the 07 April, 2014 and we were able to cash it on the 17 April, 2014. We say a sincere thank you to our donors through Houston Foundation. We were able to purchase the following items with the money ($4,215 or 1,686,000 CFA) sent to us:
Thurible/ Encensoir…………………………………..180,000cfa
Book of Blessings/Livre des Benedictions…………….43, 000cfa
Weekday Missal/Missel de la Semaine………………...35,900cfa
Sunday Missal/Missel de dominical de l’Assemblée…..12,400cfa
Chassibles/ Chasibles(3)………………………………..555,000cfa
A Confessioner………………………………………….45, 500cfa
Mattresses (4) for the presbytery…………………………186,000cfa
TOTAL………………………………………………….1, 698,800 cfa
Attached are photos and receipts of the items we bought. It will interest you to know that the parish priest was inaugurated a month and a half ago. The parish has started growing in numbers already. We were privileged to have the visit of our two General Councilors: Frs. Joseph Shio, CSSp and Maurice Shortall, CSSp who visited the new parish and encouraged us. They were glad to hear about the help we got from you. However, our other challenge remains the pews.
We have started worshipping in the church with the help of some generous parishioners who come each time with seats to the church. Before sending this report, I visited the firm that agreed to furnish us with the benches and they are still ready to provide us with the benches at the same estimated amount given $5,000.00.
Once more we are grateful to all our donors as well as Ray and Fr. Michael for the support so far. The faithful of Boriyoure parish extend their best wishes and regards to you all. May God Almighty keep us faithful in his vineyard. Fr. Innocent Baba Abagoami Cssp.